Is it time to add another Source to your Real Estate Business?

 There is a demand from Absentee Owners RIGHT NOW and this may be the best time EVER to set up this lucrative business source. 

When the economy suffers and money gets tight, those who own a rental or two… especially those that live out of state from that rental… may consider selling it. 
1. They probably have Equity they could tap if they need cash. Even if they have to pay Capital Gains.
2. They may simply want to get out of this property and get into something NEWER with less risk and maintenance.  
Add to that to tenants who can’t pay rent right now and we’ve got a recipe for Listings and Motivated Sellers.
Watch the Recorded Webinar below. If you want in a LIVE class, the next one starts Election Day November 3rd, 2020 at 4pmEastern/1PM Pacific. We are trying something NEW with this live class - It will be each TWO weeks and will end before the end of this year. We will also partner you with 1-2 others to hold each other Accountable. WOW! 
If you want to do the course on your OWN time, simply buy the course now and you will have immediate access to the class 100% recorded. 
Buying the Course gives you lifetime access to recordings of any new versions of the course forever, or you can re-take the class live for a nominal fee. 
If you can’t afford the cost ask for any current Discount Codes available by emailing  

Watch Intro Webinar Video – Recorded LIVE!

LIVE Webinar RECORDED Wednesday, March 13th, 2020

"I am using Absentee Owners to get me through this year that I was denied the ability to call Expireds, which was my primary source before. I can't believe how many say YES - SELL IT FOR ME!  I've gotten dozens and dozens of signed listing agreements already and the year's not over yet!" ~ Kerri Stretch - NY
“Let me just say how happy I am I took your Absentee Owner course. The lifetime access to the course continues to be a great resource when I need it, but I got started right away, immediately implementing the training to create an AO database and quarterly newsletter. 
There is almost no competition in this niche and I was able to increase my income by 25% my first year.   My clients are grateful to have a local agent in their corner and I am grateful to work with people who need and appreciate my service.” ~ Pam Sitterly - TX

“Donna’s Absentee Owner Webinar and Class were one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business. This is like finding a nugget of gold in the sea of all the people out there. The AO niche wants and needs your help… and it’s easy to build trust because no one else is going after them! I’m finding them SUPER responsive and happy to have conversations about their investments. I elected to do postcards rather than a newsletter and just created a landing page the postcard directs them to go to.  I’ve had 30 leads so far with 3 mailings, and have enough Hot Leads for about 6 listings coming this year… so far!”– Phyllis - TN


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